LUIZ LARA OLIVEIRA, THIAGO ; NEVES, FREDERICO OZANAN ; DE PAULA, THALITA CRISTINA ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos . Heat Treatment and Lubrication Analysis of the Surface Integrity of Cold Extruded Metals. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, v. 1, p. 1-17, 2019.
DE SOUZA, ANGELO ; GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; PERES, ERIC PERES ; ISAÍAS, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . A numerical-experimental evaluation of the fatigue strain limits of CFRP subjected to dynamic compression loads. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, v. 1, p. 1-15, 2019.

GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; DE ALMEIDA, FABRICIO ALVES ; JUNQUEIRA, DIEGO MORAIS ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIAO SIMÕES ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . Optimized damage identification in CFRP plates by reduced mode shapes and GA-ANN methods. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, v. 181, p. 111-123, 2019.
DE SOUZA ELOY, FELIPE ; GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIÃO SIMÕES ; BOMBARD, ANTONIO JOSÉ FARIA ; JUNQUEIRA, DIEGO MORAIS . A numerical-experimental dynamic analysis of composite sandwich beam with magnetorheological elastomer honeycomb core. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v. 209, p. 242-257, 2019.
JUNQUEIRA, DIEGO MORAIS ; GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; SILVEIRA, MÁRCIO EDUARDO ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . Design Optimization and Development of Tubular Isogrid Composites Tubes for Lower Limb Prosthesis. APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS, v. 26, p. 273-297, 2019.
RAPONI, OLIVIA DE ANDRADE ; SOUZA, BÁRBARA RIGHETTI DE ; BALDO JUNIOR, JOSÉ EVERARDO ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos ; GUIMARÃES, ALESSANDRO . Dielectric analysis as a low-complexity methodology for tracking prepreg out-time and its effects on the curing cycle. JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, v. 1, p. 002199831985332-8, 2019.
RAPONI, OLIVIA DE ANDRADE ; BALDO JUNIOR, JOSÉ EVERARDO ; LEITE, PALOMA DE SOUZA ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos ; GUIMARÃES, ALESSANDRO . Prepreg aging effects on its properties, curing process and final composite behavior characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis. JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES, v. 1, p. 073168441984547-11, 2019.
BARBOSA, LORENA CRISTINA MIRANDA ; BORTOLUZZI, DANIEL BRIGHENTI ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . Analysis of fracture toughness in mode II and fractographic study of composites based on Elium® 150 thermoplastic matrix. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, v. 1, p. 107082-107095, 2019.
DI BENEDETTO, R.M. ; BOTELHO, E.C. ; GOMES, G.F. ; JUNQUEIRA, D.M. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A.C. . Impact energy absorption capability of thermoplastic commingled composites. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, v. 176, p. 107307, 2019.
BARBOSA, LORENA CRISTINA MIRANDA ; SANTOS, MONIQUE ; OLIVEIRA, THIAGO LUIZ LARA ; GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos . Effects of moisture absorption on mechanical and viscoelastic properties in liquid thermoplastic resin/carbon fiber composites. POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2019.
DINIZ, CAMILA APARECIDA ; CUNHA, SEBASTIÃO SIMÕES ; GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; ANCELOTTI, ANTÔNIO CARLOS . Optimization of the Layers of Composite Materials from Neural Networks with Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion. JOURNAL OF FAILURE ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, v. 19, p. 709-715, 2019.
JUNQUEIRA, D. M. ; SILVEIRA, M. E. ; ANCELOTTI, A. C. . Analysis of spot weld distribution in a weldment numerical simulation and topology optimization. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, v. 1, p. 1-9, 2018.

DI BENEDETTO, RICARDO MELLO ; RAPONI, OLÍVIA DE ANDRADE ; JUNQUEIRA, DIEGO MORAIS ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos . Crashworthiness and Impact Energy Absorption Study Considering the CF/PA Commingled Composite Processing Optimization. MATERIALS RESEARCH, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2018.

GOMES, G. F. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. ; CUNHA JUNIOR, S. S. . RESIDUAL STRESS PREDICTION IN POROUS CFRP USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications: An International Journal, v. 9, p. 27-40, 2018.
GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; DIAZ MENDÉZ, YOHAN ALÍ ; SILVA LOPES ALEXANDRINO, PATRÍCIA DA ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIÃO SIMÕES ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . The Use of Intelligent Computational Tools for Damage Detection and Identification with an Emphasis on Composites – A Review. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v. 1, p. 1, 2018.
DE SOUSA, BRUNO SILVA ; GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; JORGE, ARIOSTO BRETANHA ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIÃO SIMÕES ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . A modified topological sensitivity analysis extended to the design of composite multidirectional laminates structures. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v. 200, p. 729-746, 2018.
GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIAO SIMÕES ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . A sunflower optimization (SFO) algorithm applied to damage identification on laminated composite plates. ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS, v. 1, p. 1-9, 2018.
DE ANDRADE RAPONI, OLIVIA ; RIGHETTI DE SOUZA, BÁRBARA ; MIRANDA BARBOSA, LORENA CRISTINA ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos . Thermal, rheological, and dielectric analyses of the polymerization reaction of a liquid thermoplastic resin for infusion manufacturing of composite materials. POLYMER TESTING, v. 71, p. 32-37, 2018.
GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; DE ALMEIDA, FABRICIO ALVES ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIAO SIMÕES ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . An estimate of the location of multiple delaminations on aeronautical CFRP plates using modal data inverse problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, v. 1, p. 1-20, 2018.

DE SOUZA ELOY, FELIPE ; GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIÃO SIMÕES ; BOMBARD, ANTONIO JOSÉ FARIA ; JUNQUEIRA, DIEGO MORAIS . Experimental dynamic analysis of composite sandwich beams with magnetorheological honeycomb core. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, v. 176, p. 231-242, 2018.

RAPONI, OLIVIA DE ANDRADE ; BARBOSA, LORENA CRISTINA MIRANDA ; DE SOUZA, BÁRBARA RIGHETTI ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos . Study of the influence of initiator content in the polymerization reaction of a thermoplastic liquid resin for advanced composite manufacturing. ADVANCES IN POLYMER TECHNOLOGY, v. 1, p. 1-20, 2018.
GOMES, G. F. ; MENDEZ, Y. A. D. ; LOPES, P. S. ; CUNHA JR., S. S. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. . A Review of Vibration Based Inverse Methods for Damage Detection and Identification in Mechanical Structures Using Optimization Algorithms and ANN. ARCHIVES OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, p. 1-15, 2018.
GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; ALMEIDA, F. A. ; ALEXANDRINO, P. S. L. ; SOUSA, B. S. ; CUNHA JUNIOR, S. S. ; ANCELOTTI JR., ANTONIO CARLOS . A multiobjective sensor placement optimization for SHM systems considering Fisher information matrix and mode shape interpolation. ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS, v. 1, p. 1-17, 2018.
GONÇALVES, VANDERLEI O. ; Pardini, Luiz Claudio ; ANCELOTTI JR., ANTONIO CARLOS . Fatigue under Shear Stress by Using the Iosipescu Method for Carbon/Epoxy Composites. Advanced Engineering Forum, v. 20, p. 22-28, 2017.
GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; DINIZ, CAMILA APARECIDA ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIÃO SIMÕES ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS . Design Optimization of Composite Prosthetic Tubes Using GA-ANN Algorithm Considering Tsai-Wu Failure Criteria. JOURNAL OF FAILURE ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, v. 17, p. 740-749, 2017.
HIRAYAMA, DENISE ; SARON, CLODOALDO ; BOTELHO, Edson Cocchieri ; COSTA, MICHELLE LEALI ; Ancelotti Junior, Antonio Carlos . Polypropylene Composites Manufactured from Recycled Carbon Fibers from Aeronautic Materials Waste. Materials Research-Ibero-american Journal of Materials, v. 1, p. 1-7, 2017.
GOMES, GUILHERME FERREIRA ; MENDÉZ, YOHAN ALÍ DIAZ ; DA CUNHA, SEBASTIÃO SIMÕES ; ANCELOTTI, ANTÔNIO CARLOS . A numerical-experimental study for structural damage detection in CFRP plates using remote vibration measurements. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 1, p. 1-15, 2017.
RAPONI, O. A. ; RAPONI, RAFAEL DE ANDRADE ; BARBAN, GABRIEL BISSARO ; BENEDETTO, RICARDO MELLO DI ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. . Development of a Simple Dielectric Analysis Module for Online Cure Monitoring of a Commercial Epoxy Resin Formulation. Materials Research-Ibero-american Journal of Materials, v. 20, p. 291-297, 2017.
SOUZA, BÁRBARA RIGHETTI ; DI BENEDETTO, RICARDO MELLO ; HIRAYAMA, DENISE ; RAPONI, O. A. ; BARBOSA, LORENA CRISTINA MIRANDA ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. . Manufacturing and Characterization of Jute/PP Thermoplastic Commingled Composite. Materials Research-Ibero-american Journal of Materials, v. 20, p. 458-465, 2017.
GOMES, G. F. ; CUNHA JUNIOR, S. S. ; Ancelotti Júnior, A.C. ; MELO, M.L.N.M. . Damage Detection in Composite Materials Via Optimization Techniques Based on Dynamic Parameters Changes. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, v. 6, p. 157-166, 2016.
GOMES, G. F. ; CUNHA JUNIOR, S. S. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. . Structural Damage Localization in Composite Plates Using Finite Element Method and Optimization Algorithm. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, v. 10, p. 124-131, 2016.
GOMES, G. F. ; CUNHA JUNIOR, S. S. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. . Crack Detection in Composite Laminated Plates Using Optimization Techniques Based in Changes in Natural Frequencies. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, v. 1, p. 200-205, 2016.
YAMANE, F. O. ; BARBAN, G. B. ; da Silva, J. A. ; CUNHA JUNIOR, S. S. ; Hirayama, D. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. . Fatigue Behavior of Carbon/Epoxy Composites Produced by VARTM: Thermography, Frequency and Stress Level. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, v. 6, p. 281-287, 2016.
GOMES, G. F. ; CUNHA JUNIOR, S. S. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. . Damage detection in aeronautical profile by using frequency changes and optimization algorithms. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, v. 1, p. 29-39, 2016.
Diniz, C. A. ; CUNHA JR., S. S. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. ; GOMES, G. F. ; Bicalho, R. ; Campos, R. B. . Otimização Estrutural De Elementos Em Compósitos Usando Redes Neurais Artificiais. Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Engenharia – RIPE, v. 2, p. 51-60, 2016.
Rezende, L. K. ; Pimenta, C. A. M. ; Machado, W. C. A. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. ; CARNEIRO, G. T. . The Perception of Transtibial Amputees Regarding the Use of Prostheses. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, v. 4, p. 81-87, 2015.
ANCELOTTI, C.; NORONHA MELO, M.L.M. ; GONÇALVES, V.O. ; GARCIA, K. ; Pardini, L.C. . Experimental Methodology for Limit Strain Determination in a Carbon/Epoxy Composite under Tensile Fatigue Loading. Materials Science Forum (Online), v. 805, p. 311-318, 2014.
DA SILVA, ALINE ; RODRIGUES, CARLOS ALBERTO ; ANCELOTTI, ANTONIO CARLOS ; OTONI CORRÊA, EDMILSON ; NORONHA MELO, M.L.M. . Effect of Solubilization Temperature on the Sigma Phase Precipitation of a Superduplex Stainless Steel. Materials Science Forum (Online), v. 805, p. 305-310, 2014.
ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C.; Pardini, Luiz Claudio ; BEZERRA, Eduardo Marcelo ; Roach, Dennis . Use of the mar-lin criteria to determine the influence of porosity on the iosipescu and short beam shear properties in carbon fiber polymer matrix composites. Materials Research
, v. 13, p. 63-69, 2010.

Gonçalves, V. O. ; PARDINI, Luiz Cláudio ; GARCIA, K. ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. ; BEZERRA, Eduardo Marcelo . Resistência ao Cisalhamento Iosipescu em Compósitos de Fibra de Carbono e de Vidro com Resina Epóxi. Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management (Online), v. 1, p. 49-53, 2009.
BEZERRA, Eduardo Marcelo ; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, A. C. ; PARDINI, Luiz Cláudio ; IHA, Koshun ; FRITZ, José Atílio ; RIBEIRO, Carlos Henrique Costa . Artificial Neural Networks Applied to Epoxy-Composites Reinforced with Carbon and E-Glass Fibers:Analysis of the Shear Mechanical Properties. Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: properties, microstructure and processing, v. 464, p. 177-185, 2007.